Transaction fees are Aleo Credits included in a transaction by its initiator to pay for the network infrastructure. There are mainly two type of fees on Aleo: base required fee and priority fee, allowing to prioritize a transaction over those with less fee included, when network is congested. Let's explore how to do so.
How to customize transaction fees?
Because Aleo is a privacy oriented network, not only can fee amount be customized, but also their visibility. This means transaction fees can be public, network peers can see the fee payer address, or private, only those in control of its View Key can access fee payer address.
You can customize transaction fees in Leo Wallet following these steps:
- Initiate a transaction: transfer Credits, NFTs, interact with a DApp, stake/unstake Credits...
- Before validating the transaction, click the fees section.
- Chose the fee visibility in the type section clicking the corresponding radio button: public or private.
- Fill the fee input field with desired total fee value. It should be higher than the default fee, as default is the base required fee.
- Make sure your corresponding balance (public or private), is sufficient for covering provided amount.