Aleo transactions leverage Zero Knowledge Proofs so peers can validate the transactions without accessing the underlying private data. Those proofs are generated using special type of files: unique to each program deployed on the Aleo Blockchain. Let's explore how those file work and how to manage them in Leo Wallet.
What are Local Prover/Verifier Files?
Every Aleo transactions consists of calling programs on some given inputs to produce some outputs. Each of these programs can be compiled into three files: executable machine code, a prover file and a verifier file. When initiating a transaction locally, users need the prover file to generate proof of the correct execution of the program. Then every peers can verify the proof using the verifier file.
In Leo Wallet, when local proof generation is used, prover and verifier files are dowloaded locally and cached into persistent storage to be accessed later on, without downloading/generating them again.
How to manage Local Files?
Downloaded files take up storage on your machine, which can be significan. This is why you may want to remove them, for instance when you know you will not need them again. To do so you can follow these steps:
- Open the wallet.
- Open the "Settings" panel from the navigation bar.
- Open "File Settings" category.
- Here you can see the list of all files downloaded to your local storage, with the space it occupies.
- You can remove any desired file by clicking the cross besides it in the list.
- You can save any desired file into your default downloads folder by clicking the arrow besides it in the list.
Keep in mind a deleted file will be downloaded again if you interact with its corresponding program within a DApp.